Friday, August 28, 2009

Hearts and Hearts

Meeting Benniesha and Tony a couple of weeks ago was awesome. Though I had never done a collection like hers, I was excited to get started with her unique design. When I asked what she had in mind, she said to me, "I want an invite that opens up like doors and when you look in side, there will be a vellum page with all the wording and hearts underneath. All of it will be tied together with a bow." I was amazed that Benneisha knew exactly what she wanted. So I went to the drawing board. It took me a few days to get the right image for the hearts she requested, but when I finally put it all together, here's what I came up with.

A week later, Benniesha came back to meet with my husband, Ben with Sassani Photography, and I was able to show her the sample set. Most of the time, I send out the samples to the couples and I don't actually get to see their reactions. She couldn't help smiling and telling me how much she loved it. It feels great when a bride is in love with her stationary.

Included in Benniesha and Tony's collection besides the invitation are the Save the Dates, Programs and Menu stands. Also, Benniesha wanted to be different and instead of sending out the invitations in a white envelope, she wanted a matching sapphire blue envelope. Of course, it's difficult to print on, so I created a label that goes from the back flap all the way to front. On the back is the printed return address and on the front, all the guests names will be printed. When sent out, no guest will be able to forget what that envelope and invite looked like nor will they forget that sleek and clean finished look.

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